Thursday 28 June 2012

Returnable Packaging Specialists Gear Up for Rise in Trade

PPS Midlands Limited Gets Ahead of the Game This Summer

Whist many of us focus on the events approaching now and later this summer, PPS is being proactive and keeping ahead of its competitors by planning for the busy late summer, autumn and the lead up to Christmas.

Tray Hire and Returnable Transit Packaging Rental & Washing
Jonathan Issatt Business Development Manager for PPS says “There is always high demand for our services, especially tray hire and tray washing. In fact all of our returnable transit packaging (RTP) reaches seasonal heights during the late summer and up to the end of January. This is why we are increasing our RTP equipment stocks during May. June and July, we have focussed on tray hire, crate hire and both pallet / tote box rental and increased our pool sizes considerably in readiness for the increase in business”

“Most businesses are aware that returnable packaging is a major part of most logistics operations, and with that in kind it makes sense to ensure that full provision is made for the peaks in trade well in advance of our customers’ actual requirements”.

PPS Midlands Limited has a full range of support services which include tray, crate, tote box and pallet box washing. PPS Midlands at Measham in East Midlands and PPS East at Grimsby in the North East Lincolnshire are both certificated to BRC Storage & Distribution Quality Standard and are equipped with modern state-of-the-art wash facilities in addition to a number of industrial wash lines specifically designed to wash returnable transit packaging of every shape and size. Both factories are geared up to wash their own pool equipment and in addition can offer contract washing services for third party equipment throughout the peaks of the coming seasons.

PPS holds its annual conference in Doncaster this week and priority for us is how we can better improve our support to our customers both new and old to help reduce their costs, waste and carbon emission particularly during this busy period approaching us.

PPS Midlands Limited and PPS East Limited are returnable transit packaging specialists. If you are interested in reducing your costs, waste and environmental footprint, then you should contact us with regards to reusable equipment and pallet pooling, plastic crates, plastic pallet boxes, container rental and supply, product repairs and equipment washing.

Thursday 21 June 2012

Returnable Packaging Equipment Company PPS Supports London Olympics and Diamond Jubilee Celebrations

PPS has been very active in recent months putting together equipment rental and washing packages to support a number of contractors that are preparing the Olympic venues for the start of the Games at the end of July.

PPS has long been really active in recent months compiling equipment rental and equipment washing packages which includes plastic trays, plastic pallets, plastic crates and plastic pallet boxes to support a number of contractors that are preparing the Olympic venues for the start of the Games at the end of July.

We have supplied a considerable pool of our collapsible pallet boxes to a company engaged in the construction of temporary seating arenas at a number of sporting venues across the London area.

Collapsible Pallet BoxesWe have also supplied a pool of solid pallet boxes to be used for the storing of nautical equipment for the Sailing event to be held on the south coast. We are at present in discussions with a range of other suppliers to the Olympics as diverse as the supply of our plastic pallets for the transportation of hay at the equestrian events to the supply of our plastic food trays for a business involved in catering for the thousands of athletes that will be competing at the Games.

PPS also supplied a pool of collapsible pallet boxes for the transportation of equipment used for the erection of the stage and temporary arena for the concert in front of Buckingham Palace as part of the Diamond Jubilee celebrations.

Once the Olympic games are finished we at PPS are expecting to be extremely busy at our wash plants when the trays, pallets, crates and pallet boxes are returned to our pool for washing at one of our wash plants to be made ready for the next rental assignment.

PPS prides itself on our adaptable and responsive approach to customers and we are very confident in our capability to provide all tray hire and pallet rental requirements together with tray washing or pallet washing services for both customers who own crates and pallets as well as our own crate and pallet pools. PPS offer the most comprehensive range of crates, trays, pallets and pallet boxes in the industry and we can supply both rental and equipment washing services for both small volumes on an ad hoc basis or high volume crates on a longer term basis.

Returnable Transit Packaging
With an rising trend towards environmentally friendly packaging returnable transit packaging (RTP) is replacing single trip packaging such as polystyrene and cardboard boxes for the transportation of food products.  PPS’s trays, pallets, crates and pallet boxes are manufactured from durable plastic and are especially designed for several trips over a protracted life which ensures that in the vast majority of applications we can offer a lower cost per trip in comparison with single trip packaging products. PPS manage pools of equipment and part of that equipment management is the hygienic washing of all used packaging.

PPS Midlands Limited and PPS East Limited are returnable transit packaging specialists. If you are interested in reducing your costs, waste and environmental footprint, then you should contact us with regards to reusable equipment and pallet pooling, plastic crates, plastic pallet boxes, container rental and supply, product repairs and equipment washing.

Thursday 14 June 2012

Tray Washing - BRC Accredited

The process of Tray Washing could be one of the most overlooked factor of many firms that carry food and other products into and around the supply chain. Tray WashingTraceability of all goods within the supply chain, even those that carry the produce has to be managed, as well as the associated tray washing and management of the Plastic Returnable Trays.  

PPS Midlands and PPS East deliver a ”BRC” accredited tray washing & crate washing service, tray hire & crate hire, bulk bin washing and hire, satisfying many customers’ requirements.  

Our site in Grimsby, has recently invested in a whole new tray washing line, to focus on the Non Fish food production around the South and North Humberside areas. The Crate washing line has been set up to accept the industry standard 600mm x 400mm tray/crate, with a high flow rate through the line we are able to deliver on short, long and adhoc tray washing requirements.  

BRC Accreditation -  What’s involved? 

• Washing and sterilisation of plastic crates, Trays, bins and pallets
• High Pressure and high temperature cleaning   
• Swab Testing   
• Logistics and transport of the washed equipment.   
• Wrapping of clean trays for transit   

Crate washing is at the very heart of PPS and our client base extends all across the UK, into a range of markets places, fresh produce, poultry, red meats, automotive components and fish.  

There are many environmental benefits to using returnable plastic containers;   

• Reduced waste  
• Sterilised containers reducing the risk of contamination  
• Reduced vehicle miles – Consolidation  
• End of life recycling factors   

Read this WRAP report - a more comprehensive breakdown of the benefits & environmental performance of single-trip and reusable packaging systems.  

PPS Midlands state of the art crate washing lines, are ready to wash variable sized units either rigid side nestable crates or bale arm trays, collapsible trays, tote boxes, plastic pallets, in addition we also offer pallet washing amenities with our automated pallet washing machine.  

Replacing cardboard within the supply chain is often simple to achieve and in most cases can bring about reductions in operational costs and time spent managing waste materials.   All of the equipment that is managed by PPS undergoes a series of inspections while in service, these include visual inspections for any damage and signs of deterioration within the tray or crate structure, removal of labels and other debris from the tray/crate prior to washing, visual inspection and periodic swab testing of the trays/crates once through the tray washing plant. The clean equipment is then stacked on to plastic or timber pallets and wrapped in shrink wrap to make certain that the trays remain clean for their next use. The stacking heights for the trays can be varied depending on the type and size of vehicle that is to collect the washed trays.

PPS Midlands Limited and PPS East Limited are returnable transit packaging specialists. If you are interested in reducing your costs, waste and environmental footprint, then you should contact us with regards to reusable equipment and pallet pooling, plastic crate, box, container rental and supply, product repairs and equipment washing.