Wednesday 20 November 2013

Meet the Tweeters!

Meet Kate, Lucy and Jo, the PPS Tweeters

Would you like to know a bit more about the people behind the tweets at PPS?  We might regularly pop up on your twitter feed but you may not know who we are or what we do here at PPS.

Kate, Lucy and Jo have all taken on the role of being the social media voice of PPS. We take our tweeting very seriously here and aim to make everyone aware of the benefits of returnable packaging.  Via our social media platforms we are letting you all know about the service we provide in what is hopefully a fun and informative way.

Introducing our Tweeters:

Kate Williamson – Kate works for and tweets on behalf of PPS East.  She has worked in the Seafood industry for over 6 years and strongly believes in the benefits of reusable fresh fish packaging.  Previously Kate trained as a beach lifeguard but decided against it as a career due to the low temperature of the River Humber! Kate enjoys spending time with her identical twin daughters.

Strange fact – Kate has one of the longest tongues in Britain!

Lucy Allsebrook – Lucy is our PPS Midlands tweeter and is busy promoting the benefits of returnable packaging to the food, retail and automotive industries.  Outside of work Lucy spend most of her time baking delicious cakes which makes her very popular in the office! Lucy also enjoys running, walking her dog and socialising with friends.

Strange fact – Lucy has an odd fear of balloons!

Jo Moss – Jo represents PPS Crate Hire and focuses her attention on hiring crates for office moves and refurbishments.  In her free time Jo loves going to gym, reading and spending time with her two little girls.

Strange fact – Jo likes to see how many plastic crates she can fit in, you’ll see pictures of her sitting in crates regularly on her Twitter feed!

PPS Midlands, PPS Crate Hire, Returnable Transit Packaging
left to right - Kate, Jo and Lucy

Follow @PPSEast @PPSMidlands and @PPSCrates for more information on all our #returnablepackagingservices.

Monday 11 November 2013

PPS Midlands Supports The Boparan Charitable Trust

PPS Midlands Supports Worthwhile Charity

At the beginning of November David Peggie, Managing Director and Andy Flynn, Operations Director represented PPS Midlands at the The Boparan Charitable Trusts Monsters Ball.

The ball took place at the Grosvenor House Hotel in London with over 1,000 people in attendance. The Jacksons provided the entertainment alongside a very exciting charity auction. All proceeds raised went to the The Boparan Charitable Trust which was set up with the sole purpose of helping as many children and young people as possible across the nation who are disadvantaged either by poverty, disability or terminal illness.

David Peggie from PPS Midlands reported “We were delighted to be invited to contribute and support such a meaningful and worthwhile charity.”

David Peggie & Andy Flynn from  PPS Midlands The Boparan Charitable Trusts Monsters Ball
David Peggie and Andy Flynn representing PPS Midlands