Friday 22 April 2016

Andy treks China for charity

As you may be aware PPS’s Operations Director Andy Flynn will be taking a journey across to China with fellow volunteers to tackle the Great Wall of China. 

Training hard Andy has been preparing physically and mentally for what lies ahead in China. Whilst he is physically active being involved in the air cadets and taking part in numerous Duke of Edinburgh awards, preparation will be key. Walking in humid heats with no toilet facilities on the wall the hike will be no casual stroll.

However it is important to be aware of the reasons behind such a big excursion. Andy will be raising money for the Boparan Charitable Trust who support children with disabilities, life-limiting conditions or are in extreme poverty. Last month PPS Midlands had the pleasure of presenting Liam Hallet who suffers with autism, a specialist trike to help him keep active.
Liam has trouble speaking and with his movement due to autism, the specially designed trike will give him the opportunity to interact with other children and play outside as well as strengthening his limbs. 

The BoparanCharitable Trust provide such aid to children on a daily basis, this makes the gruelling trek along the Great Wall of China so important, to raise money to fund such aid. Andy will also be placing a commemorative brick on the wall in Liams name.

If you would like to sponsor Andy please visit his Just Giving page by clicking here.