If you were unable to tune in to BBC breakfast last
Wednesday you will have missed our reusable fish trays making an appearance
next to the famous red sofa.
BBC Breakfast reporter Steph McGovern reported live from
Grimsby docks, bringing the spot light to Grimsby where she spoke to local
businesses regarding the up and coming referendum and how this could affect the
fish industry. Steph spoke to various fisherman and market tradesmen to discuss
both sides of opinion on the EU referendum.

Here at PPS we have developed longstanding and established relationships
within the fish industry in Grimsby to provide returnable packaging solutions,
preventing waste packaging entering the supply chain. We have worked with the
fish industry for nearly 30 years supplying and washing reusable fish boxes and
If you are using or spot any of our returnable packaging in use send us a picture, you could have it feature in one of our future blogs!
Photo by @RebeccaWearn, BBC and Grimsby Telegraph.