Wednesday 7 March 2012

Returnable Transit Packaging for the Food Industry

Businesses in the food industry are becoming all too aware of the importance of packaging and transport and how this needs to be done in the best and most hygienic way. Food packaging is important not just to meet the industry standards but also to ensure that the food and produce tastes as good when it is eaten as it was when it was packed and transported.

Much business should now be considering and understanding the need for and importance of returnable transit packaging replacing the conventional single use cardboard box style packaging in food production.

PPS have dedicated staff to help any business looking to use returnable plastic transit equipment and are developing their range of returnable transit packaging throughout the UK.

They have identified a recently developing and growing market for their products in Scotland and are making great strides to seek out opportunities to expand their business north of the border. So much so that Iain McArthur from PPS is relocating to Scotland to promote PPS Service options to business throughout Scotland.

The costs savings and environmental benefits of using PPS returnable transit equipment is making many businesses sit up and take notice of the alternatives to traditional packaging and are now working with PPS on making further uses of their returnable transit equipment and washing services.

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