Tuesday 26 March 2013

Returnable Plastic Packaging - How does it help your business

With Easter fast approaching and the new tax year, isn’t it about time that more business started to benefit from using Returnable Plastic Packaging (RTP) pooling services.

RTP not only helps businesses reduce their carbon footprint, if this is used with a pooling service provider, other efficiencies can add more benefits.

PPS Midlands provides a service that allows businesses to concentrate on what they do best, taking away the day to day headaches of managing RTP from there large customer base.

Our on line tracking and management system “ENABLE”, along with tailored service offers, means you have the flexibility to use our standard range of trays, crates, pallets to provide your customers with a level of service that is highly prized.

Make that change today! Contact PPS and see how we can help your business benefit from Returnable Plastic Packaging