Wednesday 21 August 2013

Improve Your Office Environment

How to improve your office environment

Most of us spend at least eight hours a day five days a week in our offices.  Spending all this time at work means the environment is very important. 
Improve Office Environment

At PPS we know that happy workers are more productive so we have come up with some tips to improve your office environment.

1.    Seating Plan – Make sure that employees who work together are sat together to make them more productive.  For example department manages should be sat in easy reach of their employees

2.    Image – Your office represents your company to any visitors therefore you want it to create the right impression.  A tidy and organised workspace is important.

3.    Storage – Ensure that all staff has enough storage such as draws and filing cabinets to put all their paperwork away.  Not only does this encourage tidy desks it also improves efficiency

4.    Noise – Noise levels can be a real problem in busy offices particularly when staff have to spend a lot of time on the phone.  Installing partitions can make a big difference in preventing noise impacting on other people.

5.    Lighting – The availability of natural light in office can make a big difference to employee productivity.  Try and make the most of all the natural light that you can get and make sure areas without natural light are well lit.

6.    Heating – The temperature at work is a big factor in creating a comfortable working environment.

These are just some tips to create a comfortable and productive working environment.

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