Friday 24 January 2014

Meet the Team - Helen Adams

Helen Adams

When did you join PPS?
3rd June 2013

What is your role at PPS?
Operations Assistant – I input the incoming deliveries of dirty equipment onto the Enable system so that we can track what equipment we have had in. As well as what has come into us, I keep an up to date record of what has left us by updating stock sheets. I help to resolve any problems by adjusting equipment stock for customers and looking into statement and discrepancy queries. I also send out the monthly statements to customer so they can keep an up-to date record and so that they can let us know if their records show different to ours. In addition to this, I support Andy Flynn with any other work that he needs me to do.

What was your first ever job?

How do you take your tea?
Milk, half a sugar

What is your favourite food?
Mexican What are your hobbies? Running, swimming, cooking/baking, socialising with friends and family

Helen Adams - PPS Midlands - Returnable Transit Packaging Operations Assistant

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