Thursday 22 May 2014

BAR Annual Conference- Glasgow

A fantastic few days was had by all in Glasgow for this year’s annual conference for the British Association of Removers. Held at the Marriott Hotel, it was a fantastic occasion to network with the whole industry with people having travelled from all over the world. A variety of business sessions were provided with many influential speakers, social activities and all finished off with a grand gala dinner and awards night.

Joanne Moss, Sales and Marketing Director reported “It was an excellent opportunity to get together with a variety of people who all work in the removals industry. We were able to discuss industry trends and make many new contacts, as well as show off our golf skills on the indoor simulator. Well done to BAR for another outstanding events and a huge congratulations to all the award winners.”

Tuesday 20 May 2014

Meet the Team- Joanne Moss

Name: Joanne Moss.

When did you join PPS? April 2010.
What is your role at PPS? Sales and Marketing Director.

What was your first ever job? I was an internet shopper at Sainsbury’s.

How do you take your tea? Very milky, no sugar.
What is your favourite food? I love curry and most cheeses!

What are your hobbies? I enjoy going to the gym, reading and going to the theatre.

Friday 9 May 2014

How PPS became animated

PPS provide a vital service to the food industry through returnable packaging. As the largest event in the UK for processing and packaging in this sector was fast approaching we thought it only to appropriate that we started to think outside of the box in order to give everyone a full understanding of The Complete Package and the services we offer.

Visuals are key in drawing attention to a subject, and a video enables you to create an impact beyond an individual element. We wanted something that told story in a way a single image never could and demonstrate the products and services we have available.

We worked closely with Make It Media, a local video production company who specialise in corporate videos for marketing and internal communications. From the word go they understood exactly what we were wanting to create, and their expert advice and organisation soon pulled together all elements of the animation from images to voice over to sub titles. The PPS animation was born!

We now have complete flexibility to show the video at exhibitions and in house. One of the main advantages is the immediate distribution through social media to our target market via twitter, Facebook and Google+. It demonstrates to our audience the PPS service in one short piece.

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Could PPS improve your supply chain sustainability?

PPS are specialists in the world of Returnable Transit Packaging (RTP) and have many years experience in the field.

Our expertise ensures we are able to work closely with you to develop and implement a sustainable supply chain strategy to fit your company requirements, whilst also working towards waste legislation targets.

It is important across all sectors to review the sustainability of your supply chain in order to consider the key issues of economic growth, social impacts and environmental protection.

New developments through RTP is an important drive towards sustainability.

We are continually noticing increases in companies wanting to move away from single trip packaging such as cardboard boxes and polystyrene, to consider their RTP options through bale-arm crates, tote boxes, pallet boxes and other equipment.

The use of RTP will reduce your carbon emissions through lessening the disposal of packaging and transport with maximised design for storage on vehicles.

With the benefits of full service management and tracking systems, PPS are able to deliver an efficient supply chain while maximising your opportunities for sustainability.
returnable transit packaging

Thursday 1 May 2014

Meet the Team- Andy Flynn

Andy Flynn.

When did you join PPS? 
October 2003.
What is your role at PPS? 
Operations & Logistics Director.
What was your first ever job? 
Trainee Manager in a Fuel Oil Distribution Company.
How do you take your tea? 
In a mug!
What is your favourite food? 
Roast Lamb and Chinese.

What are your hobbies? 
Sqn Ldr in RAFVR(T) working with Royal Air Force Air Cadets,  Duke Of Edinburgh Award Scheme Manager for Central & East Region & Season Ticket Holder at Leicester Tigers RFU.