Tuesday 28 October 2014

Movers and Storers Show 2014

Having returned from this year’s Movers and Storers show it is clear to see why it is becoming such a huge part of the removals and storage industry. For anyone in the business this was the place to be and an ideal opportunity for PPS Crate Hire to showcase its services.

The event organisers, Amino Events, did a wonderful job of creating a buzz around the show before the doors even opened. The waves through social media certainly ensured that visitors were up to date with all the latest competitions and news while highlighting the range of products and services that would be on offer.

Our stand was in a fantastic location, greeting visitors through to the centre of the exhibitors hall. With our eye catching coloured crates and show boards it wasn’t long until we were discussing our services with many new faces. Never ones to let our visitors leave empty handed we had pick n mix bags in our PPS mugs, and the opportunity to win our PPS Crate Hire Hamper show prize. Congratulation to Lisa Bell from Bell & Sons Removals and Storage on winning this prize.

It was an excellent opportunity to catch up with our existing customers also, and support those entering the show competitions.

We’re already looking forward to next years event! 

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Meet the Team- Claire Bourke

Name: Claire Bourke.

When did you join PPS? 1st September 2014.

What was your first ever job? Waitress.

What is your favourite food? Chocolate hobnobs.

What are your hobbies? Going to the gym and reading.