Tuesday 9 August 2016

IMHX Show Prize

We love nothing more than seeing our returnable packaging in action. If you’re visiting IMHX don’t miss out on the opportunity to win a Nikon Coolpix L330. Take part in our supply chain poll for your chance to win our show prize, a perfect solution for taking photos of your supply chain packaging in action. Visit stand 8A28 to find out more*. 

Click here to register for your show pass. 

*Entries to be scanned, registered and completed on the PPS stand 8A28. A winner will be selected at random and notified by Friday 23rd September.

Monday 25 July 2016

Exhibition Masterclass

On a surprisingly hot summers day in July, 500 eager business attendees gathered at the NEC for this year’s FacetimeUK Exhibition Masterclass. Now in its third year the packed day served up fun, informative and inspirational presentations and speakers, not forgetting some fantastic catering. With sessions including Rob Brown Networking Coach, Rachel Elnaugh ex Dragon and Red Letter Days Founder, and all things tech savvy it was a real opportunity to learn and engage with success stories and suppliers on how to take your exhibiting to the next step. The opportunity to reflect on your previous achievements and how you can implement even small changes to move forwards is priceless and something that should be applied to all aspects of business.

Now how would your business look if you applied this to your day to day operations and took a moment to literally think outside of the cardboard box?  Everyone is so busy and powering on full steam ahead to get the task in hand complete and finish the job in front of them, but if you took a moment to stop, reflect and review your packaging, what would you learn? How could you streamline your supply chain packaging to reduce costs, minimise waste and increase efficiency?

Working with PPS can help you implement all the opportunities you might be missing out on and even get you ahead of your competitors in this market. With our knowledge we can review your current supply chain practise and analyse how to move it forward with ReturnableTransit Packaging. PPS have been managing supply chain packaging for nearly 15 years and will tailor a solution to your business. Whether that be pallet pooling, complete supply chain management, roll cage rental or washing of your own crates, PPS have a solution to fit with your business.

To take the opportunity and speak to the PPS team call 01283 821 502. 

Wednesday 13 July 2016

Lucy talks Preston and plastic containers

I’ve made visits to Preston on a number of occasions since the acquisition 
of Alison Handling last year, a delightful trip on the M6 I’m sure many of you will agree! I’m always impressed by the enthusiasm in the office and variety of products available for purchase, the knowledge of the team is priceless but I suppose that’s what you get for being in the industry for 30 years.

People often ask what’s changed since the merger last year, what are Alison Handling now doing differently. What AHS do they do very well and it’s quite niche. They understand their focus, how many warehouses can you go to and select from a huge array of products, the exact piece of equipment to use, with no minimum order and next day delivery? Even if you’re not sure what you should be buying their experience helps selected the best product
for your application.

 You are instantly greeted by rows and rows of trays, crates, pallets, Dolavs, totes, you name it they stock it, and not just in a standard colour that you have to stick with. A lot of equipment is available in multiple colour choices. You may have noticed one addition to the range of equipment and that’s roll cages and metal.  The handling equipment compliments the packaging range already available and has been a popular sale and rental item at PPS for several years.

To speak to the Alison team call 01772 687 940. 

Friday 13 May 2016

Did you spot them?

If you were unable to tune in to BBC breakfast last Wednesday you will have missed our reusable fish trays making an appearance next to the famous red sofa.

BBC Breakfast reporter Steph McGovern reported live from Grimsby docks, bringing the spot light to Grimsby where she spoke to local businesses regarding the up and coming referendum and how this could affect the fish industry. Steph spoke to various fisherman and market tradesmen to discuss both sides of opinion on the EU referendum.

PPS’s reusable fish trays are a daily feature in the local fish market with the catch of the day being stored before selling, you can spot Steph in amongst our famous yellow trays. They were also spotted proudly sitting at each end of the red sofa making a fantastic focal point.

Here at PPS we have developed longstanding and established relationships within the fish industry in Grimsby to provide returnable packaging solutions, preventing waste packaging entering the supply chain. We have worked with the fish industry for nearly 30 years supplying and washing reusable fish boxes and equipment.

If you are using or spot any of our returnable packaging in use send us a picture, you could have it feature in one of our future blogs!

Photo by @RebeccaWearn, BBC and Grimsby Telegraph.

Friday 22 April 2016

Andy treks China for charity

As you may be aware PPS’s Operations Director Andy Flynn will be taking a journey across to China with fellow volunteers to tackle the Great Wall of China. 

Training hard Andy has been preparing physically and mentally for what lies ahead in China. Whilst he is physically active being involved in the air cadets and taking part in numerous Duke of Edinburgh awards, preparation will be key. Walking in humid heats with no toilet facilities on the wall the hike will be no casual stroll.

However it is important to be aware of the reasons behind such a big excursion. Andy will be raising money for the Boparan Charitable Trust who support children with disabilities, life-limiting conditions or are in extreme poverty. Last month PPS Midlands had the pleasure of presenting Liam Hallet who suffers with autism, a specialist trike to help him keep active.
Liam has trouble speaking and with his movement due to autism, the specially designed trike will give him the opportunity to interact with other children and play outside as well as strengthening his limbs. 

The BoparanCharitable Trust provide such aid to children on a daily basis, this makes the gruelling trek along the Great Wall of China so important, to raise money to fund such aid. Andy will also be placing a commemorative brick on the wall in Liams name.

If you would like to sponsor Andy please visit his Just Giving page by clicking here.

Monday 29 February 2016

PPS takes home packaging prize.

The stage was set for PPS to present to the judges at this years EcoPack Challenge on Wednesday 24th February. Taking place during the Packaging Innovations Exhibition at the NEC, a show dedicated to sustainable packaging solutions it was the ideal platform to showcase the Re-Fresh box.

Four products were shortlisted for the event in a Dragons Den meets packaging style format. Sales Manager Andrew Lee had the pleasure of leading the presentation to the judges and attendees at the EcoPack theatre before Joanne Moss, Managing Director joined the stage for questions from the packed floor. The judges included Laura Fernandez, Packaging Technologist from Marks & Spencer, Jonathan Couper, Packaging Development Manager from 2 Sisters Food Group and Mark Shayler, Sustainable Design Consultant, Lecturer in the Circular Economy and Design, Royal College of Art.

The Re-Fresh box provides a full solution to supply chain packaging and incorporates sustainable services as well as the actual product through the pooling and rental options available from PPS.

We’re thrilled to announce that PPS were named winners of the challenge and we now look forward to developing the product with Marks and Spencer. It was a fantastic opportunity to highlight how supply chains can be revolutionised with the implementation of reusable packaging.

Wednesday 10 February 2016

Hygienic Swab Testing

Here at PPS one of our primary focuses is on the washing we provide to our customers. In this blog we give you an insight into the science behind us achieving the highest quality of washing standards for our food industry clients.

Alongside our state of the art industrial wash machines, we operate a swab system to keep track of our wash standards to ensure hygiene is always maximised. The most frequent swab tests that we carry out are ATP swabs, these are completed on site. Our BRC accreditation requires us to perform ATP Swab tests 4 times a shift however, we can swab test equipment more regularly at the request of a customer. These give an overall cleanliness rating for the washed equipment. The rating is measured in Relative Light Units (RLU’s,) a large proportion of the food industry manufacturers use these as on site tests also. We conduct external lab swab tests where we test for various bacterial hazards.

Should you require any information on washing please do not hesitate to call the sales team on 01283 821502.

Friday 29 January 2016

Thinking Outside the Re-Fresh Box

The idea for our lidded Re-Fresh box was developed having received feedback from the fish industry in order to supply a reusable container for prepared fillets to the catering industry and food manufacturers. With the initial trials focused on fresh fish supply chains the units are now available to all industries and the possibilities for product storage are endless.

The leak proof lidded containers are available in two sizes and can be hygienically washed through our brand new BRC approved industrial wash machine. Available for purchase or rental, we’re always thrilled to receive customer feedback and hear what great things our containers have been up to.

         Herbs “The best air tight containers I have used. Strong, stackable, washable and in my opinion designed to bounce not crack when dropped an all-round great buy.”

         Prepared meat “Ideal for us to take our butchers produce to farmers markets.”

        Pharmaceutical- “Having trialed a few options on the market my customer opted for the Re-Fresh box to be used in their shop environment for displays and stock.”

Other products currently being explored with the box are for use with prepared vegetables, seasonings and sauce sachets. If you have a Re-Fresh box, send us a photo of it in action. 

Call us on 01283 821 502 if you want to find out more.