Wednesday 1 August 2012

Reusable Packaging Benefits

Reusable Packaging - Why use it over Single Packaging

plastic pallets - returnable reusable packaging equipment
Plastic pallets - Returnable Transit Equipmen that can be
used over and over again

Lead­ing com­pa­nies in a wide vari­ety of indus­tries across the globe imple­ment reusable pack­ag­ing for the eco­nomic, social and envi­ron­men­tal value that re-use pro­vides across the entire sup­ply chain. Reusable pal­lets, hand-held con­tain­ers, bulk con­tain­ers, dun­nage and other trans­port pack­ag­ing items are used for the effi­cient stor­age, han­dling and dis­tri­b­u­tion of prod­ucts through­out the sup­ply chain.

Reusable pack­ag­ing prod­ucts are generally man­u­fac­tured in plas­tic, which is a durable mate­r­ial and is specif­i­cally designed for mul­ti­ple trips and extended life. These prod­ucts typ­i­cally replace single-use trans­port pack­ag­ing such as wood, polystyrene and cardboard boxes and are ideal for closed loop or well man­aged open-loop sys­tems. Due to their reusable nature, they can offer a rapid return on invest­ment and a lower cost-per-trip than single-use pack­ag­ing products.

“Com­pa­nies that have made the switch to reusable pack­ag­ing expe­ri­ence lower ship­ping and labour costs, bet­ter prod­uct pro­tec­tion, more pro­duc­tive flow of goods through dis­tri­b­u­tion chan­nels, plus bet­ter ergonom­ics and improved worker safety. These com­pa­nies have also reduced their waste man­age­ment costs and pos­i­tively impacted the envi­ron­ment by gen­er­at­ing less waste and reduc­ing the need to build expen­sive dis­posal facil­i­ties or more land­fill sites. Disposable wood pallets, polystyrene and cardboard boxes comprise a significant amount of the waste generated by businesses in Europe and there is limited landfill space left, plus it is becoming more and more expensive to get rid of waste of this nature.

PPS Total Equipment Solutions allows our customers to outsource the management and supply of their returnable transit equipment. This lets them focus on their core business, providing a more efficient supply chain as well as cost savings. Whatever your requirement we can offer a range of options that we will tailor to your individual needs.

Returnable Transit Equipment Includes:

PPS Midlands at Measham and PPS East at Grimsby are BRC approved and are equipped with modern state-of-the-art wash equipment capable of tray washing, box washing and pallet washing to hygienic standards. As well as washing our own equipment PPS offers contract wash services for washing third parties equipment on medium or long term contracts as well as on an ad-hoc basis. Please contact us through our web site or telephone 01530 515333.

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